Health Hero Farm at the Sawyer Bay Farm (2014)

The Sawyer Bay Farm came on the open market in 2012; 183 acres of open meadows, with over 1,000 feet of shoreline on Lake Champlain, and beautiful barns ready for an active farm operation. South Hero Land Trust worked with Vermont Land Trust to purchase the property, and then to find new farmers to utilize the land. In 2014 they conserved the farm and sold it to Health Hero Farm. Farmers Bob Fireovid and Joan Falcao raise grass fed beef, and are deeply committed to building the soil and protecting the water quality of Lake Champlain. This project was partially funded by a grant from the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, and the conservation easement is co-held by Vermont Land Trust and the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board.

Check out Health Hero Farm in the NW Vermont Grown Guide to Agriculture HERE>>

Emily Alger