How to Volunteer with SHLT
From building and maintaining local trails, restoring ecosystems, serving on our board, to growing food for our neighbors in need, and more- volunteers are the backbone of South Hero Land Trust.
Before Volunteering - We ask that all volunteers read and fill out the Volunteer Safety and Waiver Form (HERE) at least once per calendar year.
Then, visit our Events page to see upcoming volunteer work parties AND/OR join our volunteer email list (see below) to stay in the loop about volunteer opportunities with SHLT
Garden volunteer Dave Hobbs and SHLT AmeriCorps Anna Johnson harvest cabbage and peppers from the South Hero Gleaning Garden.
Learn about our Volunteer Projects
Gardening & Food Projects
Folsom Learning Garden: Volunteers help water, weed, harvest, and help us implement hands-on education in this learning garden and outdoor classroom space. Food grown in the garden goes to the Folsom Kitchen, The Annual Folsom Pasta Dinner, the Food For Thought Summer Meal Program, The Grand Isle Food Shelf, and usually a bed or two for snacking :)
South Hero Gleaning Garden: This volunteer initiative, started by local resident Regan Henry in 2020, grows produce for the local food assistance programs including the Grand Isle Food shelf, helping provide fresh produce for neighbors in need. Since 2022 Kelsey & Phelan of Pigasus Meats have graciously hosted the garden site on their farm. We are looking for volunteers who are looking to get their hands dirty in the garden.
Gleaning with Healthy Roots Collaborative: Did you know that SHLT is part of a regional collaborative dedicated to strengthening the local food system and supporting the growers, producers, and consumers in Franklin and Grand Isle County? You can learn more and get involved by visiting their website and signing up to be a gleaning volunteer HERE>>
Stewardship & Trail Projects
Volunteers building and installing boardwalks along the trails at Tracy Woods
Trails: SHLT works with our partners and landowners to coordinate trail building and maintenance projects across South Hero’s public trails and natural areas. We are looking for volunteer trail stewards who can be our eyes and ears on the trails, letting us know about trail issues such as downed trees, etc., and also folks interested in helping with volunteer work days on the trails.
Ecological Stewardship: SHLT works with our local and regional partners to monitor and remove invasive species, restore native vegetation, and more. Throughout the growing season we work with volunteers to monitor and remove garlic mustard and other invasives, plant native trees and shrubs, monitor for Emerald Ash Borer and ash genetic resistance at our long-term monitoring plots through the MaMA program, and more.
Green Up Day: SHLT coordinates road and trail activities across South Hero for the annual Green Up Day celebration. Email if you want to sign up for a road section, help at the “thank you” bbq, donate food to the bbq, lead a trail work party, or help out in any other way.
Other Projects
We also welcome volunteers with special skills. Do you have a background in graphic design and want to help with outreach materials? Or maybe you are an expert in vernal pools and want to lead a workshop. Let us know what skills you have and how you’d like to contribute to our mission!
Sign up for our volunteer list (below) and we’ll keep you up to date on the latest opportunities to get involved! Email with questions.